Welcome to the wonderful world
of e-information books for children. After two decades delivering highly designed, fact packed books to schools and libraries across the world, David West Children's Books has launched into e-publishing. From dinosaurs to the human body, via cutting edge machines, there are eBooks here for all ages and interests.

The "Why Things Don't Work" comic-style eBook series is an ideal way for eight year-olds to learn all about how machines like racing cars, trains and
tanks work.

The series "Dinosaurs in my Street" features exciting art and fully animated dinosaurs on every spread to bring scenes of dinosaurs in everyday settings to vivid life for young readers.

This amazing MULTI-TOUCH ebook features 11 combat aircraft showing their designs in incredible cutaway detail. These ebooks also feature high action video and multi-touch 3D objects that you can rotate with a touch from your finger.